IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles (Sniper)
Genre: Flight Simulation
Developer: 1C: Maddox Games
Publisher: Ubi Soft

The next generation of graphics is upon us, and IL-2: FB is a title that helps to usher in this era. Stencil-buffered effects, pixel shaders, high texture resolution, some nice lighting, and the most beautiful clouds to ever grace a game, all make for a grand representation of WWII on the eastern front. On the static ground, it doesn't really ever look like a war is going on, or that there is anybody even living anywhere. But in the air, this game is a real visual treat.

Without knowing a lot about the sounds of the real-life aircraft, the engine noises sound completely authentic to me, and seem to change realistically with airspeed, throttle speed, and propeller pitch. Flaps and landing gear all create sound as well. During intense combat, the entire experience sounds a lot like what I imagine real aerial combat would. The menu songs become extremely irritating after a while, but they can be disabled.

Newbies with no concept of flight and using a keyboard, and grizzled flight sim vets with their Thrustmaster Hotas setups, will both find a combination of realism settings in this title to make them content. This title features the most realistic flight model I've seen yet in a combat sim, and with all realism set to a maximum, it represents a real example of what it might have been like to fly a WWII-era fighter. Tons of planes, several maps, a mission editor, and online play complete the package.

For anyone with an interest in a fantastic WWII combat sim, IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles is the way to go, with graphics, sound, and a flight model that combine to form an immersive experience. The immersion-factor is slightly undone by the fact that the ground is not occupied by any people or vehicles, which would add a lot to low-altitute combat. Also, the dynamic campaigns don't really provide the player with a feeling of truly impacting the war. Even with the shortcomings, this is one of the top WWII flight sims that has ever been made.

Sniper's verdict: